Effects of Ultrasonic Stimulation and Light Intensity on the Growth Rate and Biomass Productivity of Chlorella ellipsoidea in a Closed-Batch Cultivation System
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Microalgae exhibit high nutritional value as animal feed in aquatic animal nurseries. Therefore, approaches to enhance biomass productivity are of great economic significance. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of ultrasonic wave stimulation on the specific growth rate and biomass yield of Chlorella ellipsoidea strain TISTR 8260. C. ellipsoidea stimulated by ultrasonic waves at 50 Hz for 1, 5, and 10 min were cultivated in a closed-batch cultivation system with varying light intensities. Data revealed that stimulation for 1 min and rearing at 71.43 μmol m−2 s−1 resulted in the highest biomass productivity and specific growth rates, with averages of 0.89±0.008 g/L/day and 0.59±0.009 per day, respectively. The findings of this study emphasize the usefulness of ultrasonic waves in enhancing the biomass productivity of microalgae.
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