Comparison of Different Extraction Methods for Bioactive Compounds from Kao-Kum Doi-Saket (Oryza sativa L.)
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Kao-Kum Doi-Saket is one type of purple rice known for its high content of anthocyanin and its ability to resist free radicals. Anthocyanin extracts can be utilized in various applications, including food coloring, nutritional supplements, natural medicine, and cosmetics. There are several methods for extracting anthocyanin from Kao-Kum Doi-Saket. This research aims to compare the effects of extraction methods, including Conventional extraction (CE), Pulse electric field extraction (PEF), and Ultrasonic assisted extraction (UAE) on total anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity in Kao-Kum Doi-Saket. It was found that the UAE method resulted in the highest total anthocyanin content of 57.05 ± 4.27 mg/L, which was significantly different from the other two methods (p<0.05). Kao-Kum Doi-Saket extracts from the UAE method also showed the highest DPPH inhibition (88.32 ± 1.83%) compared to the CE and PEF methods. Therefore, these findings suggest that UAE is the most effective method for extracting anthocyanin and antioxidant activity from Kao-Kum Doi-Saket and could be beneficial for developing processed products from Kao-Kum Doi-Saket in the future.
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