Phytochemical Analysis and Biological Activities of Propolis from Geniotrigona thoracica: Evaluating its Therapeutic Applications

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Kannika Bunkaew
Petcharat Ponpichai
Monthon Lertworapreecha
Jakkrawut Maitip
Wankuson Chanasit


Propolis is a substance that safeguards the bee hive against physical and microbiological threats. This research assessed the phytochemical properties and biological effects of propolis produced by stingless bees Geniotrigona thoracica collected from Phatthalung, Southern Thailand. The findings revealed that the ethanolic extract propolis (EEP) from G. thoracica exhibited antibacterial properties against certain foodborne pathogens (Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella Typhimurium) with moderate to strong zone of inhibition (ZOI) in the range of 10 mm ≤ ZOI ≤ 15 mm. Additionally, the extract propolis demonstrated antioxidant activity, achieving up to 80% DPPH radical scavenging when 50 mg/mL EEP was tested. Furthermore, the crude propolis extract showed anti-inflammatory effects on macrophage cells, resulting in a 72.9% reduction in nitric oxide (NO) levels in LPS-activated RAW 264.7 cells exposed to 100 mg/mL of EEP. The GC-MS chromatogram identified the phytochemical compositions of the EEP, with Lup-20(29)-en-3-ol or lupeol (25.42%) and β-amyrone (22.66%) as the major compounds, both triterpenoid derivatives. Other notable constituents included alkane hydrocarbon pentacosane (6.63%), fatty alcohol cis-9-eicosenol (4.23%), and phenolic compound 3-pentadecylphenol (3.86%). Therefore, the EEP derived from G. thoracica, possessing such diverse biological activities, holds promise for medicinal and functional food applications.

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