Enhancing Autonomous Driving: A Novel Approach of Mixed Attack and Physical Defense Strategies
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Adversarial attacks are a significant threat to autonomous driving safety, especially in the physical world where there is a prevalence of "sticker-paste" attacks on traffic signs. However, most of these attacks are single-category attacks with little interference effect. This paper builds an autonomous driving platform and conducts extensive experiments on five single-category attacks. Moreover, we proposed a new physical attack - a mixed attack consisting of different single-category physical attacks. The proposed method outperforms existing methods and can reduce the accuracy of traffic sign recognition of an autonomous driving platform by 38%. Furthermore, we proposed a new anti-jamming model for physical adversarial defense, CBAM-ResNet26 & CBAM-Alexnet, which improves an autonomous driving platform's traffic sign recognition accuracy to 63% under mixed attack. Finally, experiments were also conducted with datasets with different ratios of adversarial attack examples, and the experimental results showed that in adversarial training, the higher the ratio of adversarial examples, the higher the recognition accuracy. However, a too high ratio would reduce the accuracy of normal traffic signs. Finally, the optimal ratio for physical adversarial defense training is 1:2.
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