การระบาดของโปรโตซัวปรสิต (Nematopsis) ในทางเดินอาหารของกุ้งแชบ๊วย (Penaeus merquiensis)

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ชนวัฒน์ ตันติวรานุรักษ์
ศรัญญา ศุภพรโกมล


      The infection of Nematopsrs spp. was studied in tso banana prawn (Pcnaeus nerquiensis) individuals. The specimens were collected tiom Ang-Sila pier, Chonburi Province, from Junc, 2000 to September, 2ooo. The total incidence of infeclion was 92.7 o,b. Pcrcent infection was lower in male prawn (89.8 %) then fcmale prawn (sa.s %). ln relation to the complete digestive tract infection was highest in the intestine (86.?%). Percent infection in the esophagus, stomach and anus was 26.0, 12.o and. rtioh, respectively.

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Research Articles