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วนิดา ชลสิทธ์
ยุพินพรรณ ศิริวัธนนุกูล


     The objective of this study were to study general data and the satisfaction of administlators oi  practical training station towards chalactedstics of students in the Agriculture Educational Reform for Life. The satisfaction of administrators in the govemment sector and the privatc sector were compared. The studied characteristics were divided into foul gloups academic klowledge, work capability, human relations and personality. A questionnaires was used to gather data. A total of 59 questionnaires were received back, of which 36 came from the govemment sector and 23 from the pflvate sector,
      From this study it can be seen that the characteristics of the administrators of the govemment sector were as follows. Mostly were male and had an age between 36-50 years old. The majolity had a bachelor's degree and was working 6-10 years in plesent position. Their responsibilities nowadays were as head o[ a section, mostly in agriculture or horticulture. The administrators in the private sector can be characterized as follows. They wcre male and had an age betwccn 36-bo years old. The majority had a Bachelor's degree and had o to years work experience in the present position. Nowadays the majority of them were managers, mostly in agriculture or horticulture.
       Both groups of administrators had the same middle level of satisfaction in two aspects o[ the characteristics ofthe studcnts, in academic knowledge and personality. When work capability and human relations were considered it can be seen that administraton from the government scctor had a high satisfaction while administrators from the private sector had an middle level of satislaction. When all 35 chiuacteristics were compared, there were only three characteristics that gave a highly signitic.mt difference between the two groups of administrators. Namely : self confidence in expressing opinions. own initiative in work and enthusiasm rnd interest in gaining knowledge. Which dcnied the hypothesis that both groups of administrators had the same satisfaction about the ch acteristics of the student from the Educational Reform for Agriculturc ol Life. When all four groups of characteristics were considered thcrc werc no statistical differences between both groups of administrators. From this study the following conclusions can be taken : to improve the academic knowledge, the students should get first hand experience during their studies and they should develop special skills. cspccially in the use of computer, communicative English and driving a vehicle. This last skill by working in small groups and in close relation with the Department of Land Transport. In ordcr to develop human relation sand personality skills the colleges should org;urize aclivities that develop a sense of responsibility for work, self confidence in expressing their opinion, initiative in work and an enthusiasm and interest in gaining knowledge, punctuality and responsibility. The college and the Future Famers ol Thailand organization (F.F.T.) should both undertake such activities.

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