ชีววิทยาของสาหร่ายวุ้น (Gracilaria) และการใช้ประโยชน์ในจังหวัดภาคใต้

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สุภาจรี นิยะมานนท์


Thc purpose ol this study was ro investiglte the biology of marinc red algac "Grucrlaria" on morphology, anatorny, taxonomy and local economicnl aspects in southcrn provinces of Thailrnd. The study was in thc year of zooo. The sarllples werc collected ttorr 15 sites in 1t provinces alonli the coast of both Antlaman Sea and thc Gull ol Thailand. They wcre identified and clasiificd for species b) using microscope. Some of thcm were preserved in FAA or in 10% fonnalin in sea water' and others were mounted on hcrbarium papcr. The data of using cmcilaria lor cconomical purposes obtained floln Intervicws thc local peoplcs. The results of the study revealcd as tbllow ; 13 species of Gracilaria werc identitied. 'l'he spccies richness werc fbund at Samui and Phuket Island' The five species were usetl as human food, animals tecd and dricd Graci.lnrjl for sale. The most important specles use for economics purposes wcre Gracilaria tenuistipjnh c.F.chang et Xia.G. tenuistipi|ata Chang et Xia vxr, tenuistipitata Charrg et Xia and G. lislrerj (Xia et Abbr,tt) Abbon, Zhang& Xia. which lound in Pattani, Son-skhla and Stun province

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Research Articles