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สุชาติ สว่างอารีย์รักษ์
นิพนธ์ ทองอยู่
สุรศักดิ์ ทองสุกดี
ไพโรจน์ ช่วยวงศ์
วิษณุ นิยมไทย
ศิวพร ราชสุวรรณ


         The study of Cetacean was conducted from Bangpakong river mouth to Pranburi river mounth. Interview, skeleton and carcass stranded examination and sight seeing surveys along the coastal were done in 2003 . Five species of Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin ( Sousa chinensis ), Irrawaddy dolphin ( Orcaella brevirostris ), Finless porpoise ( Neophocaena phocaenoides ), Pygmy killer whale ( Feresa attenuata ) and Brydeûs whale ( Balaenoptera edeni ) were found. Irrawaddy dolphin was found in every survey trip while Phgmy killer whale whale was the first recorded in the Gulf of Thailand.

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