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สัมพันธ์ พลันสังเกตุ
วรากร วิศพันธ์
วิภา พลันสังเกตุ


The water quality lbr tap water producrion of Thaksin University, Pattalung Campus, has been investigated. Thc watcr samples were collected from 2 rcseervoirs, ? stations, during April-August 2001, The properties of water and content ol some anions wcre delerminded by chemical methods, Heavy metal contents were determined by atomic absorption spectroscepy using dircct aspiration technique, except Arscnic was analyzed b1' hydridc generation rechniquc. ft was fbund that rangc of values of various parameters of water samples were : - temperature 2g.4-32.i c; pH 6.?2-?.4g; dissolved oxygen 6.6-?.3 mg/l; total dissoved solid 120-zoo mg/l; water hardness 6-20 mg/l. The concentrations of chloride, sulfide, sulfate, total phosphorus, and nitrate-nitrogen were ranged from o-to mg/1,2.4-14.4 mg,/1,0.0175-0.8428 mg/I, 0.11-0.35 Ing/I, and o.31oo-o.osgb mg/l respectively. The heavy metal contents in water sample were ranged from 0.22?6-0.?866 mg/I, n.d.-0.4?81 mg/l, 0.0006-0.0081 mg/I. and 0.00011-0.00?49 p g/l for Iron, Zinc, Copper, Cadmium and Arsenic respectively, Lead content was non-detectable in all samples. The result of the study revealed that the quality of water in the reservoirs is good for tap water production.

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