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       This study was an analysis of Lakhon Sangkheet (comic opera) as created by King Vajiravudh, with the airn of investigating its history and performance design as well as analyzing its characteristics and vaiue. The findings were as follows.
        Lakhon sangkheet was created by King vajiravudh. His own plays wore four in number: Mikado, wangtee, Naam Yok Au Naam Bong, and wiwa Phra samut. The first two he adapted from the play Mikado by Sir Gilbert. After composing there was no record of their performance. He conceived and composed the last two himsell There were performed on several occasions, especially wiwa Phra samut, which was performed time and again through the end of his ruls.
         The performance design and characteristics of Lakhon Sangkheet consisted of costuming boauty appropriate to roles, melodious songs, and exquisite ensemble acting. The roles of supponing chancters were conspicuous and interspersed with humor. Initially the cast was all male, subsequently to change to true to rype. The music was made by the Pee Phaat band with some additional instruments pul in for bettor effect, The songs were either pure tune or sung. The words were inprose as well as verse, with prose for dialogue and for acting and dirccting scripts, and verse in singing pans and the chanting of literary excerpts. The verse forms consisted of Khlong, chan, Kaap, Klon, Raai, and a kind to fil a tune The plays were performed at several sites, such as the Tawee Panyaa Theater, The Club of the Royal Retinue at Muuegkhataayawan Royal Residence and Sanam Chan Palace.
         The value of Lakhon Sangkheet divides into four aspects : societal reflection, with social systems and groups of people presented as imaSes rather than portmits; humor, derived causally and factually as well as from language use, way of life, events and situalions as €ncountered and as bases for personal-trait mimicry; esthetic creation, in beauty ofdiction with wods appropriate to a level of language, matching ofword sense and context, and setting words ofsongs to suit tunes and stories; and use of maxims to generate ideas about the conduct of personal and social affairs of life, valued for their subtlety, profundity, and truthlulness as heretoforo evidenced.


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