การสำรวจคุณภาพน้ำทะเลบริเวณเขตว่ายน้ำชายหาดบางแสน ปี พ.ศ.2540

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ฉลวย มุสิกะ
แววตา ทองระอา


      Coastal water quality in the swimming zone at Bangsaen beach was investigated monthly during the period of Jaouary to December 199?. Water samples were collected from three stations along the beach. ft was found that the wat€r quality in Bangsaen beach was in the following ranges : temperature 25 - 3i C, salinity 26 -g4 ppt, pH ?,1 - 8,4, dissolved ox,ygen 0 - 7.1 mg/L, total coliform bacteria <2 - 16,000 MPN/too mL, faecal coliform bacteria <z - 9oo MPN/too nL. ammonia ND - 0.4b9 mg/L, nitrite ND.- o.oiz mg/L, nitrate ND - o.og9 mg/L and phosphate ND - 0.332 mg/L (ND = Non-detectable). Based on the coastal water quality standard for swimming indicated that water quality in the swimming zone at Bangsaen beach was degraded in some stations and some months because total coliform bacrena found exceeded the standard for swimming (more than 1,000 MPN/loo mL), such as, the upper Bangsaen beach found in May, July and September, the middle b€ach in May, July and September and the lower beach in May, July and November. In addition, the water quality was more degraded than the previous 2 - 3 years,

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