การสำรวจสัตว์หน้าดินขนาดใหญ่เบื้องต้น บริเวณชายหาดทราย จังหวัดภูเก็ต

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สุชาติ สว่างอารีย์รักษ์


Investigation on macrobenthic fauna was conducted at + stations on Panwa reef flat. Phuket. A total of 65 families was discOvered. AmOng these, crustaceiins showed the most divelsc fauna 27 families, tbllowed by molluscs with 15 families and polychaetes 14 families. Fauna density varied betwecn 22?-?63 ind.zm'. Apsuedidae and Orbiniidae were frequently found in high number.
       The majority substrata wcre composed of very fine sand. Pafiicle size was characte zed by differcnt types of sediment.

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Research Articles