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ภิญโญ ตันพิทยคุปต์


The deccntralizatiou of power to local levcl by cstublishing thc Subdistdct Adnilistration Organization (SAO) is an irnportant step of development impacting rural women's political panicipation. In B.E.2bse (1se6 A.D.) rhc province of Songkhra had a totar of rar sAos with 101 Incmbers beinEl womcn, of which 82 wcre elected and the rest scrving as members by vinue oftheir oflicial positions. It is therelbre of interest as to what led thc women to seck election ancl become eleclcd. Also of intcrest were how they set their work largets. what work mcthods they employed, r.r hether they mct with success or lailure, and how s', including obstacles enL'ountercd and their ways of dealing with these. The discovcries thcreof would bc of grcat benctit to the effbn to increase rhe proponion of women,s participnlion in local politics, which woulcl nean a proponional increase in utilization o[ the conmunitv,s potential to benetit thc communit), itsell
            This rescarch study invorved a sampre of 49 elected womar SAo mcnbers antr 350 peopre fiom SAO iueas wherc womcn werc menbers. The researcher interviewed and observed to obtain data. which wcre classified by objcctives and scope of contcnt and lhcn presenrcd in thc lbnn ol descriptivc analysrs.
             It was fbund that rtosl of the woman mcmbers had played some roles continuously, such as serving as menlbers or presidin-e officers of village pubtic health voluntcer groups, as terrikrrill dcf'ense .volunteers! or as members ofhousewilt groups. They sought election fbr two imponlnt reasons: wirnting to see their communities dcvelop and being encouraged by their lamilies. Thc imPortant targets ol devclopment were the inliastructures and the raising of the quality of life for senior citizens, children. youlhs, and women. Two tilctors contributsd to thc election of women: having numerous relatives and playing constant roles in cornnunity activities. As fbr work achicvement, it was felt by the people to be moclest still, most of it having been in the firrm ol assistance in community activities caried out before beconing SAO members. The people admitted that women possess the good qualities of being through, caroful, responsible, as well as good at human rclations, their delccts being indecisivcness and lack of frecdom from necessary routine matters. The crucial problems facing most of the woman SAO mernbers werc: they perceived their essential knowledge .rnd skill to be inadcquatc, there wcre conflicts in sAos; and in somc SAos the role of wornen was little recognized. SAos is perceived by woman SAO members had imporrant problems rcgarding conflict, lack of transparency, budget, and illc8itimate power. 1'he wornan SAO members as a whole had a clemocratic outlook, being peace oriented and desirous of people's participation. The way of problem-solving employed by most woman SAO members involved making an etlbrt to enhance self-potential, keeping cool' and being paticnt.

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