Member's Participation in Cooperative Activities

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Pittaya Sirisongkram
Yupinpan Siriwathananukul
Krienhsak Pattamarakha


Thc study aimed to investigate social antl economic, psychological and communicative characteristics ol cooperativc mcmbers, lcvel ofparticipation in the cooperative activities' tnd factors affccting members' participation in the cooperative activities. Simplc random sampling was enployed tbr santples selcction and personal interviews were assigncd as a mcthod of data collection. One hundrcd and sixty fite coopcrative members were interviewed.
       Thc findings was revealcd that most members had a medium knouledge of principles of coopcrative. They had a positive attitudcs towards antl were satislied with thc cooperalive operation. I hey were high in the participation in group meeting, cooperative tr nsactioll' and cooperalive promotion but low in thc participation in decision-making in cooperativc problern solving and dcYelopment stralcgies. For testing hypotheses, total inconte, Iarm size, bencfits reccivcd tiom tht'cooperutive, illtitudcs torrlrdt the coopcrative, and exposure to sources of inlbrmation liom the cooperativc wcre tbund positively correlated with the nembers participation in the cooperative activities.
       This implies that an incrcase in thc participation in problem the solving and decision makrn-c shoulcl be of the primc concern if thc cooperative needs to dcvelop fbr growth. Cooperative training for rhe members should bc undertaken continuously to help solvc the development Participation at all slilges of decision-making should be encoraged.

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Research Articles