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ประดิษฐ์ มีสุข


        The aim of this research was to analyzc the amount of arsenic and heavy mctals (lead, zinc, mercury and cadmium) in sediment fron Songkhla Lake. Ninc samples of sediment werc collected liom nine communitics and industrial plants in January r996. The samples were analyzcd for thc quantiry of aresenic and heavy metals by mcans of atomic absorption spectrophotometry direct aspiration techniquc fbr determinarion ol lead, zinc and cadmium ; cold vapour tcchnique for derermination of mcrcury : and hydride gcneralion technique for determination of arscnic.
       The findings revealcd thal there were rcad, zinc, mcrcury, cadrnium and arsenic ranging between 26.55-92.7i, 10.4b-44.30, 0-1.08r 0-1.25 and o 2.b0 rug,/g respectively.

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Research Articles