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มารีนา มะหนิ
อภิญญา เอกพงษ์
ธนรัฐ ศรีวีระกุล


       The objective of this study are to determine experimentally some properties of ginger. Such as equilibrium moisture content, moisture diffusion coelTicient, density and specific heat. Thcse parametcrs are useful and necessary for drying analysis. The cquation describing these parameten were lbund out by curve fitting using least square techniquc. Thc equilibrium moisture content was detemined by static mcthod using saturatcd salt solution. It was lbunded equilibrium moisturc content decreased with the lemperature tbr relative humidity rang from 0 - 30 percent, but increased with the temperature fbr relative humidity higher thrm 40 percent. The cquation of Oswin, 1946 was tbund to be accurate to describe the experimental results. The results of the drying of ginger showed that moisture diffusion crefficient increased cxponcntially with drying temperature at air velocity 1.3 m/s. Thc temperuture rang from 55 - 60 "C was suitable lbr drying ginger to good quality. For other parameters such as density and specific heat, it was found that density increased linearly and specific heat decreased curved with moisture content in drv basis.


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Research Articles