การวิเคราะห์กัมมันตภาพรังสีในตะกอนควอเทอร์นารี ในจังหวัดพัทลุง

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สุวิทย์ เพชรห้วยลึก
พีระศักดิ์ แสงอรุณ


An investigation into the concentrations of the radioactive elcments, potassium, uranium ancl thorium, in various Quaternary deposits sample, depth between o 2 cm, 20-22 cm imd +o-42 cm, was carried out by gamma ray spectrometry. The samples were collected tiom riverside or Jakeside, abandoned farmland or empty area and old rubber garden or thick forest, included gravel, sand, srll, clay and 1atterite deposifs. The objective of this present work is to verify the source of high radioactivity anomaly to be apparent on the airbome radioactivity contour map over the euaternary deposits in changwat phatthalung arca. 
         Results of the investigation show maximum potassium quantity in depth between 20-22 cm and uranium and thorium quantity in depth between 40-42 cm. The cleposits samples were collected fronr nverside or lakeside has maximum potassium uranium and thorium quantity, but abandoned farmland or empty area has minimum potassium and uranjum quantity, and old garden or thick forest has minimum thorium quantity. The clay deposits show maximum potassium and uranium, and gravel deposit show maximum thodum quantity. The radioactive element concentration contour map of the Quatemary deposits have high anomaly contour, similar lo the airbome radioactivity element concentrations contour map, they are cover the river area, thus the high anomaly radioactivity contour, on the airbome suryey map, to odginate fiom the radioactive tocks source from the Thuak Khao Banthat on the western of study area. The radioactivc tocks source had weathering, erosion and deposit on riverside or lakeside in the middle sludy area.

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Research Articles