สมบัติของการทำให้เม็ดเลือดแดงเกาะกลุ่มของสารสกัดจากแพลงก์ตอนพืช Oscillatoria sp.

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จันทร์จรัส วัฒนโชติ
ธิดารัตน์ น้อยรักษา


Lectins are protcins or glycoproteins which agglutinate cells andior precipitate glycouor jugrtes anrl havc specifics for carbohydrate stlucturcs. Determination of thc lectilt in phytopl.tnkton, oscillittoia sp. was pcrlbnncd by agglutination test of protein in crude extract against human ABO erythrocytes imd rat erythrocytes. lt was fbund thal the protein cxtmct lrom Osci.1./irtori:l sp. agglutinated only rat erythrocytes in l6 titer or 2,?85 tiler/lng protein The hcma-eglutinating actrvity of aqueous extracl from Osci//atoria sp. was stabilizcd at pH 7 4 t2 and + - 40" C The activily of the oscillatoria sp. extract was not affected by addition of divalent crtion, tulcium, magncsium und manganese ion. ln i|ddition, determination of sugar specificity of the cxtract from osci.l.latorra sp. by sugar inhibition rcst showcd that the extract specilically bound N-acctyl D-galactosanrinc and N-acetvl-D-slucosiunine.

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Research Articles