Comparative Factors Influencing Cross-Border Travel of Thai and Malaysian Tourists

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Praman Tepsongkroh


The results of this study were the comparisons of elements of tourist attraction system of Thai and Malaysian cross-border tourist passing through z immigration checkpoints of Satun, Wangprachan, Betong, Takbai, Sungai-Kolok, Padang Besar and Sadao, on what influenced them to travel and do decision-making to seek attractions. The findings found that the attraction of Thai tourists made decision to Malaysia were motivated by relaxation and security, activiry by visiting friends or relatives, attraction for natural and cultural factors, facilities by signposts of travel, servicing by satisfactory accommodations and information from friends or relatives. For Malaysian touris decision-making to Thailand were motivated by relaxation and visiting friends or relatives, activity by food and shopping, attractions for entertainment, facilities by cost of travel and safely, servicing by accommodation and shopping and information from friends or relatives. The obstacles of border tourism that affects among the tourists are security, custom services, language communication, tourist information centers at the border, price of goods and food services.

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