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ศันสนีย์ จันทร์อานุภาพ
ศุภรัตน์ ชูเมือง
วรุตม์ นาที


The Perception of Peace of Youth in the Southem Border Provinces aimed at describing the level of youth's perception of peacc in various aspects. This survey research also aimed at studying the youth's attitudes towards different people or behavior by using questionnaires. These youth were Mathayomsuksa 4-6 students frorn the schools in Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat, and Songkla . under the supervision of office o[ the Board of Fundamental Education, Ministry of Education . The 40 students lrom cach school in every education i[ea (360 students in total) were chosen randontly. Most of the sample (33.6o%) agreed with the third definition of peacc which says 'peace mean not using violence in ending the conflicts between human' which is the negative definition of peace. Moreover' nost of the youth (67.8%) also thought that pcace should be the state without violence and conflicts in the society. 
        According to the perception of conflict and violence, most of the youth (68.3%) had thc perception of medium levcl. and lt.l% of thcrn had thc perception of high lcvel. According to the perception of the categories of violence, it was tbund lhat most of lhc youth perceived more dircct violence than the structural violence. Most of thcm (45.8/o) had the perception of direct violence of high level, whilc 44.?Eo of tbem had thc perception of structural violencc ol low level. 
         According to the perception of peaceful melhods, it was found that most of the youth had both the perception of peacelul methods for problem-solving and thc pcrception of peaceful methods for life. Morcover, 61.1% of the youth had the perception of pcaceful methods for problem-solving of mediun levcl, whilc a4.4% of them had the perception ofhigh level. While 51.?/" ofthe youth had thc perccption of peaceful methods tbr life of rnediunr lcvel,42.8% of themhad thc perception of high levcl According to the perception of human rights and cultural diversity, it was lbund t|'at 79.2% of the youth had the perception of medium level, and 2o.o% of them had the perception of high level.

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