การบริหารจัดการกองทุนหมู่บ้านและชุมชนเมือง : ข้อสรุปจากการลงพื้นที่บัณฑิตกองทุนปี 2545-2456 จังหวัดพัทลุง

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ดำรงศักดิ์ แก้วเพ็ง
สุภาคย์ อินทองคง


This report is an evaluation of the project given by the govemment to increase the effectives of an administration and management of village and urban community fund : according data collected by a group of graduate scholarship subtends (Bandit Kingston) of the years 2ooz-2oo} from all village area of Pattalung province.
             The purpose of this study is to evaluate an appropriateness and capability of the project that whether it could be able to support its implementation following the project aims by considering from a process of implementation of the fund, good and bad factols both suppofiing and obstlucting to gathel the project goal, establishment of a networking process, learning organization with connection to each other, and to obtain some indicators of community strength. Thc CIPP Model given by Stufflebeam had been used for this evaluation. A data resources consisted of 344 in number of village and urban comrnunity fund of Pattalung province those had been completcd by doing applied research in their village and repons of gmduate scholarship students. Most data had been collected by using 12 specifi.c forms with some of additional data from documents concemcd, including data from group discussion and panicipant observation, all data were conducted and synthesized to be a ploject evaluation tbllowing the issues mentioned by considering the project purposes. 
             1. A finding of the evaluation are as follows :1. An administrative and management system of fund. Most people of Pattalung had a good understanding in government policy on village and urban community fund and realized that it had every important and more benefit due to be a capital plow for cleating new work, income to reduce lending from outside and to stimulate a grass root economic of community. This fund had been sun by the board of committee who has a good knowledge and more ability. To contlol bonowing money tiom this fund' they had a good particular rule issued by board to select their member to be a good bonowel. Accountrng of their fund seem to have some problems at the time of starting, because of lacking knowledge and unde$tanding. A limitation of time for retuming money of the fund also made them to be trouble in their investment. wbile, its outcome of managing fund helped them to has an opPortunity in their investment for expanding a business and developing their career. Beside, this implementation helped them to sel a leauning network and working together of valious partners. So by doing this, it become an important power for funher community development.
               2. An implementation system of borrower. The borrower brought sum of money those they borrowed to invest in a career that they needed trnd they could administrate it to get success according to its purposes. Most of them had used this money for investing in agriculture cnreer in which they had enough knowledge and experience. A community capital also had been used as a factol of this implementation. By doing this, it led them to gel mole success. They could expand an old careel and set a new one. This success could help them to create theil family and community to be permanent, sustainable and self-sufficient.
                3. An administration of this fund of Pattalung. It could be able to get a successfulness according to its purposes. Most had been administrated systemically and had a protection system both in economic and social. People knowledge for doing an accounting of credit and debit of family helped them to reducc all unnecessary payment. While, they could economized and increased their saving continuously.
                4. A good side important factor effected to manage fund. It was found that people and fund mernbers participated in implemcnting of thc fund, board of committee had enough knowledge, ability and experience, clear maragement and merit system, and it could be checked. They also had grcuped themselves and established a various networks to exchange a learning process data and information and experiences including co-operation to each other. But, a bad side important factor was that some people had bad attitude and lacked of understanding about its purposes, ordcrs and principle of the fund. The board of committee also lacked ol understanding in their role and duty. Therefore, they could not play their role completely. A consideration to approve sum for lending had not merited and not covered all members, including lacking ol monitoring and checking and lacking of actual support from organizations concemeo.
                 5. An implementation of the fund of Pattalung. lt could be able to create a learning network in community and organizations outsidc the community both official and private sectors to enhance and support a career enterprise and fund management. But an important indicator of a strength of community was that people had own career and income increasingly, all members had a good conducts and participation in community activities, leaders also had good knowledge and merit and a good community  manasement.

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