Effect of Different Levels of Bacillus licheniformis Supplements in Diets on Growth Performance, Feed Utilization and Intestinal Bacteria of Hybrid Red Tilapia
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Determination of optimal levels of B. licheniformis supplemented in hybrid red tilapia diet at 105, 106,
107 and 108 CFU/g and compared to the control diet was investigated. The results found that growth performance and feed utilization after the fish fed supplemented B. licheniformis diet at a concentration level of 105 CFU/g was better than other concentrations. The fish intestine microbial population was determined by DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis) technique founded the supplementation B. licheniformis at different concentrations can result in changes in the microflora population in intestinal fish B. licheniformis at a concentration level of 105 CFU/g promoted growth performance and feed utilization. This suggests that supplementation B. licheniformis in hybrid red tilapia fish feed promotes growth of the fish in the aquaculture industry.
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