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Drug in piglets has a protective effect against dysentery. The aims of this study were determined the efficacy of toltrazuril in newborn-piglets. In 2 piglets of 819 piglets were divided into 2 groups. Baycox® drug group, using 446 piglets. Zurilguard® drug by using 373 piglets by adding a dose of toltrazuril antibiotic 1 ml. by oral suspension. It was found that the weaned weight of the Baycox® and Zurilguard® was found no significant difference (P > 0.05). The percentage of farrowing crate damage for the Baycox® of drugs had 10.23 % (39/407). In Zurilguard®, there was a percentage of farrowing crate damage at 3.18 % (14/359). As a result, percentages of farrowing crate damage were significantly different in both groups (P < 0.05). Efficacy from FCS indicated that Baycox® was more effective at returning piglets to diarrhea FCS 3 in newborn-piglets 39.24% (175/446) pigs at 7 day 43.64% (182/417) pigs at 14 day 24.27 % (100/412) weaned 25.80% (105/407). FCS indicated that Zurilguard® was more effective at returning piglets to FCS-3. In newborn-piglets 33.51% (125/373) piglets 7 days 37.82% (138/366) at piglets 14 days 58.96 % (214/363) weaned 42.82% (153/359). Zurilguard® had a lower rate of returning of FCS-3 in newborn-piglets and pig at 7 day than the Baycox® but rate of return of FCS-3 in pig at 14 day and weaned pigs more than Baycox®. In conclusion of oral toltrazuril that found efficacy of Zurilguard® for mortality rate of newborn-piglets to weaning in 21 days more than Baycox®.
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