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สุภาจรี นิยะมานนท์


The purpose of this project was to investigate the taxonomy of macro-marine blue-green algae in southern Thailand. The year of investigation was 2oo0 . The samples were specific in sight-seeing (macro-algae), they were collected from 1b stations in 11 provinces along the coast of Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. They were identified and classilicd by microscopy. Some of thcm were prescrved  in FAA or in +% lbrmalin in sea water, and the others were mounted on herbarium sheaths.
       The results of the study revealed ; 1 class,2 orders, 4 family, 8 genera and a species. The area whcre various species were found was Samui Island. Miuocoleus lynbyaceus was found most in ? stalions.

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