การติดตามและประเมินกระบวนการประเมินคุณภาพการศึกษาภายนอกระดับอุดมศึกษาในจังหวัดสงขลา พัทลุง และนครศรีธรรมราช
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The objective of this study was to monitor and assess the assessors and the perfbrmance of the extemal assessors of the quality of tertiary education in the first round in the provinces of Songklla, Pattalung, and Nakomsritammaraj, as perceived by institutional administrators by years of assessment, namely, five institutions in zoos, four institutions h zooe, and seven institutions in 2005, totaling 16 institutions. Of the questionnaire, 204 responses were received. Some additional interview was also carried out.
The tindings of the study may be summarized as follows. The first round of monitoring and assessment of the assessment method and the performance of extemal assesson showed that the institutional administrators assessed in 2003! 2004 and zoos perceived the extemal assessors, the assessment method, the efficiency of assessment reports, and the application of assessment results to be at a high level. The institutional administraton assessed in 2oo3 had a moderate level of perception of two items, namely, the appropriateness of visits to intemal units to seek additional data, and the level of application of assessment results as good practice. For 2005, the perception at a moderate level involved one item: the level of application of assessment results as good practice.
From the synthesis of the opinions of the institutional administrators regarding the first round of assessment, it was found that the subjects expressed problems and obstacles and suggestions for funher improvement with included the assessors, the assessment reportst the application of assessment results, standards and indicators, the second round of assessment for certification (2006 2010) and other
The tindings of the study may be summarized as follows. The first round of monitoring and assessment of the assessment method and the performance of extemal assesson showed that the institutional administrators assessed in 2003! 2004 and zoos perceived the extemal assessors, the assessment method, the efficiency of assessment reports, and the application of assessment results to be at a high level. The institutional administraton assessed in 2oo3 had a moderate level of perception of two items, namely, the appropriateness of visits to intemal units to seek additional data, and the level of application of assessment results as good practice. For 2005, the perception at a moderate level involved one item: the level of application of assessment results as good practice.
From the synthesis of the opinions of the institutional administrators regarding the first round of assessment, it was found that the subjects expressed problems and obstacles and suggestions for funher improvement with included the assessors, the assessment reportst the application of assessment results, standards and indicators, the second round of assessment for certification (2006 2010) and other
oroblems and obstacles,
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