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The development of a prototype for marigold classification by Image Processing Method is a research enhanced from the development of the marigold size-analyzing program which was improved by Image Processing Method. The marigold shape and size-analysis clustering were applied by measuring Euclidean Distance. The program is capable of differentiating marigolds into four sizes. Therefore, the researchers developed a prototype of marigold size-sorting conveyor system. The conveyor system consists of two sets; 1) the set of marigold-laying and pushing conveyor system, and 2) the set of marigold-sorting conveyor system. The conveyor operation is controlled by Raspberry pi 3 model B on Linux operation system, and Bluetooth module is used to transmit data between the conveyor system programs. To test the performance efficiency, the researchers divided the tests into four different tests. The results were found as follows. 1) The accuracy of analyzing the sizes of 100 marigolds in the first test was at 97.2%. 2) After testing the operation of the sensors at the pushers in the second test, it was found that the appropriate angles of the first four sensors should be set at 110º, 90º, 90º, and 90º, respectively. 3) The accuracy of the overall marigold size-analyzing operation in the third test was at 73.3%. and 4) The average time of evaluate each marigold was 2.6 seconds. Therefore, the program and the conveyor system developed can be used to sort marigold sizes automatically.
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