Effect of K+ Potential and Nuclear Equation of State on the Invariant Cross-Section of K+ Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
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This work examines and concentrates on the effect of K+ potential and nuclear equation of state on the invariant cross-section of K+ production in nucleus-nucleus collisions. The invariant cross-section of K+ production as a function of kinetic energy in heavy-ion collisions at incident energy 0.8 and 1.0 A GeV (GeV/Nucleon) in 12C + 12C collisions with impact parameter between 3.70 and 5.73 fm by using the quantum molecular dynamics model (QMD) is studied. The calculations energized with and without the Brown-Rho parameters (K+N potential) as well as the soft and hard equation of state (soft and hard EOS). In addition, the invariant cross-section of K+ production as a function of kinetic energy is computed and compared with KaoS experiments. The results show that K+ production is measured by utilizing the QMD model with a soft EoS, which similar to a hard EoS. The theoretical calculations with soft and hard EoS while expanding the K+N potential tend to be consistent with the KaoS experiments, Consequently, this work refers that the invariant cross-section of K+ production in heavy-ion collision at intermediate is sensitive observable to probe the nuclear equation of state in dense nuclear matter.
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