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ปริพรรห์ วิวัฒน์นิธิกร


This research aims to develop an intrusion detection and warning device based on underwater sound data. with a purpose 1) to develop a device for detecting intrusion into the area by underwater audio data 2) to develop a video recording and intrusion warning device using underwater audio data for conservation work and 3) to analyze Volume for building intrusion detection devices There are 5 steps in researching as follows: 1) installing a hydrophone underwater 2) getting sound data from a hydrophone 3) importing data into the noise filtering process 4) specifying the volume and 5) video recording and warning when the volume exceeds the specified level. This research demonstrated that the device can filter out the frequencies of the sound as a low pass filter. by making the mid-frequency, low-frequency and high-frequency bands can be output with less noise. while recording video when the sound exceeds the limit with notification via the LINE application. In addition, research on the development of intrusion detection and alarm devices showed that the frequency range of 0 to 1,000 Hz is more suitable for the device's performance than other frequency ranges.

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