Strength and Acid Resistance of Mortar Made from Alkali Activated High Calcium Fly Ash
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The aim of this study is developed of alkali activated high calcium fly ash to use as cementitious material to replace Portland cement. The mixture of mortar made from fly ash and sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) was used to activate strength at concentrations of 2, 4, 6 and 8 molars. Superplasticizer was used to control the flow of mortar in the rage of 105 – 110. The compressive strength of mortar was determined at 7, 28, 45 and 60 days. The acid resistance of mortars due to sulfuric at a concentration of 3% were also investigated. The results showed the mortar made from high calcium fly ash with sodium hydroxide of 6 molar obtained the highest compressive strength, which could be developed compressive strength up to 189 ksc at 60 days.
For the acid resistance of mortar, it was found that the of use 6 molar of NaOH activated high calcium fly ash binder had the least weight loss due to sulfuric acid attack.
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