Physical and Aerodynamics Properties of Khao Dawk Mali 105 Paddy Rice
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This research objective was to determine physical and aerodynamics properties of Khao Dawk Mali 105 paddy (Thai Jasmine paddy rice). The paddy sample in this test was prepared with different moisture contents in the range of 10-26%WB and air temperature in aerodynamics properties test was varied in the range of 50–100 OC. Test results were analyzed to determine the statistical mean difference by DMRT method (at P<0.05). It found that moisture content in paddy affects the difference of average length, width, and thickness of grain and results the difference of geometric mean diameter and degree of sphericity of paddy. An increase in paddy moisture results the increase of average bulk density and kernel density but it reduces the porosity of paddy. Moisture content in paddy affects the difference of terminal velocity. Moisture content in paddy and air temperature influenced the difference of average drag coefficient of paddy.
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