Resuspension of Road Dust from Electric Vehicles under Steady and Real-world Driving Tests
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Internal combustion engines are considered as one of the most important major causes of air pollution. Many countries including Thailand pay attention to this problem and support electric vehicle usages for emission reductions. However, past literatures indicated that electric vehicles also emitted Particulate Matter (PM) via non-exhaust emissions. These included tyre wear, brake wear, road surface wear, and resuspension of road dust. Weight and speed of vehicles were found out as the major variable on this non-exhaust PM emissions. In the current study, non-exhaust PM emissions from an electric vehicle were measured by installing a real-time PM concentration measuring device in the back of the front left wheel while the vehicle was moving. There were three types of tests: constant speed test, ISO 21994:2007 standard brake test, and real-world driving cycle test. In each type of tests, payloads were varied. From the experimental data in all tests, it has been clearly seen that increasing payloads on the tested vehicle resulting in changes in PM emissions. With the same payload, the amounts PM10 emissions increase when the vehicle speeds are varied from 40 to 80 km/hr. However, varying speed do not affect the amounts of PM1 and PM2.5 at the speed of 60 and 80 km/hr. Only the increase of PM10 emissions is observed. In ISO 21994:2007 standard brake test, additional payload of 200 kg results in almost half of PM emissions increase. In the real-world driving test, braking sequences (vehicle was accelerated and stopped) tremendously affects the amount of PM emissions. In addition, the condition of road surface also impacts the amounts of resuspended PM emissions.
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