The Performance Comparison of Mean Estimation by Imputation with Auxiliary Variable under Various Missing Data Mechanisms
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The objective of this research is to compare the performance of mean estimation when data is missing. Mean estimators are derived from imputation methods, including the mean method, factor method, and exponential method. Under missing data mechanisms, there are 3 types, including missing completely at random, missing at random, and missing not at random. This research uses the small dust particles from the Pollution Control Department's sources to study the efficiency of mean estimation using the imputation method for each situation. The criterion used to compare efficiency is the mean square error. The sample sizes were set to be 30, 100, and 500 at missing data levels of 10%, 20%, and 30%. The results showed that under all types of missing data mechanisms, the efficiency of mean estimation from the imputation method that uses information from an auxiliary variable together with the study variable as the factor method and the exponent method was better than the mean method that uses the study variable only. Moreover, the sample size and the missing data levels affect the performance of the method. As the sample size increases, the efficiency of the method increases. But if the missing data levels increase, the efficiency of the method decreases.
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