ผลการวัดประสิทธิภาพโซ่อุปทานข้าวแบบหลายวัตถุประสงค์ ในเขตภาคกลางของประเทศไทย

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เศรษฐภูมิ เถาชารี
พัฐสุดา ชูติกุลัง
จิรวัฒน์ ตั้งจิตโสมนัส
จิรวดี อินทกาญจน์
กนกนาฏ หาญสิทธิพร


In this research article, we will present the results of measuring supply chain performance in the central part of Thailand, start at paddy’s manufacturing group is farmer, the procurement of paddy are agricultural cooperatives middleman, groups of farmers, and central market, the manufacturer of rice are rice mills and agricultural cooperatives, and rice’s dealer group are exporters, Yong, wholesaler and retailer in 3 aspects :1) Quality will focus on measuring %  moisture of paddy, %contamination, %head of rice, %quality and %defect, 2) Cost will focus on measuring the cost of logistics activities by using Activity Based Costing method, and 3) Time will focus on measuring of time spent on logistics activities. The results show that, each group of stakeholders has different performance measures. It is therefore important to focus on the quality, cost and time management of different stakeholder groups, and then enhance the overall efficiency of rice supply chain in central part of Thailand.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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