Designing suitable tools for door and window production using failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA)

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Sutthida Karawek
Sarinya Prateepchanachai
Amonrat Pornprasert
yuthanarong jongjun
Peema Pornprasert


This research aims to create tools to enhance the efficiency of door and window production. The research began by examining the current situation, analyzing weaknesses, and identifying the impact. The findings were then used to create a pareto chart to prioritize the issues. The identified problem in the production process, with an average of 97 pieces per day for assembly and 120 pieces per day for cutting, resulted in a daily loss value of 2,500 baht. The main cause of the problem was found to be the lack of gripping tools in the production process and an inappropriate wood arrangement environment. To analyze the root cause of the problem, a fishbone diagram was used. The main causes identified were the absence of gripping tools in the production process and an unsuitable wood arrangement environment. Consequently, an action plan was devised, including the creation of gripping tools and training on quality and work standards. After the improvements, the tested equipment met all criteria, such as hardness, mobility, suitability, and surface contact with the workpiece. The overall satisfaction of employees with the use of gripping tools was significantly high. The production time for doors decreased by 23.19%, and the production time for windows decreased by 19.47%. Issues related to workpiece arrangement decreased by 66%, while issues related to cutting distance decreased by 33%. Inefficiencies in the assembly process decreased by 75%, resulting in a 100% reduction in the daily loss value from the production of doors and windows.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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