Time series forecasting for diesel oil consumption in Thailand
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The objective of this research is to study and compare methods for forecasting the consumption of diesel oil in Thailand using 6 time series forecasting methods. These methods include the moving average method, trend analysis method, exponential smoothing method, double exponential smoothing method, Winter's exponential smoothing method, and decomposition method. The study begins with collecting historical data on diesel oil consumption in Thailand and then dividing the data into two datasets. The first dataset consists of 60 data points used for studying and comparing the best forecasting methods. This is done by considering the lowest Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), and Mean Squared Deviation (MSD). The best method is then analyzed using the second dataset, which contains 15 data points, to find the most suitable forecast horizon. The study found that the Winter's exponential smoothing method had the highest accuracy in forecasting, with a MAPE value of 3.04, MAD of 60.22, and MSD of 6,057.25. It was also suitable for forecasting 3 months ahead. Additionally, the forecasted consumption of diesel oil using the Winter's exponential smoothing method was consistent with the predictions of the Department of Energy Business, Ministry of Energy. Therefore, it can be concluded that this forecasting method is reliable and can be used for energy management planning.
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Winter's exponential smoothing method
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