Shear strength in reinforced Cellular Lightweight Concrete beam

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Kittitus Moothong
Griengsak Kaewkulchai


This paper presents the experimental results on the shear strength of reinforced cellular lightweight concrete beams
with a wet density of 1,800 kg/m3 and longitudinal reinforcement ranging from 0.2% to 1.8%. The tested beams include those with only longitudinal reinforcement and other with both longitudinal and stirrup reinforcement. Results indicate that the shear strength of the specimens is lower than the value specified in the design code. The factor to reduced shear strength of concrete () depended on percentage of longitudinal reinforcement, which is less than the required amount. Additionally, beams with stirrup reinforcement exhibit lower shear strength compared to beams with only longitudinal reinforcement, as the concrete and stirrups are not concerted to resistance shear force, and stirrups are the main contributor to resisting shear force, shear resistance from cellular lightweight concrete is very low. Therefore, a revised method of determining shear strength in reinforced cellular lightweight concrete beam, that excludes concrete shear
resistance is recommended.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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