Development automatic silk drying machine by embedded system
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The objectives of research were 1) to design and build an embedded automatic silk drying machine and 2) to determine the efficiency of an embedded automatic silk drying machine. Research method by using microcontroller together with electrical devices to control and display results. It uses electricity 220 volts, 1 phase, uses an electric heating coil as a heat generator. Centrifugal fan motors are heat carriers and the gear motor is the rotation of the hanger and the comparison of the silk moisture content before and after drying by the embedded automatic silk drying machine. Test threads were annealed at 35, 40 and 45 degrees Celsius at baking times of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 minutes baked. The results showed that the efficiency of the embedded automatic silk dryer at a temperature of 35 had an average efficiency of 16.55%. A temperature of 40 had an average efficiency of 18.66% and 45 °C had average efficiency of 19.58%. Temperature and duration will affect the quantity reduced humidity Point out that the mutual influence between the two factors affects the moisture content of the silk.
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