Project of Maximum Oxygen Consumption Ability Test of Aviation Institute Students Rangsit University

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ศุภกฤต อริยะปรีชา
คธาทิพย์ กุญชร ณ อยุธยา


The study aimed at comparison of the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) of Aviation Institute student of Rangsit University before and after getting physical training for two months. Subjects are thirty-six male and female first and second-year students. They ride a bicycle with applied the gas analyzer equipment at their face and chest. The intensity of workload set at 85-90% of maximum heart rate. The incremental resistance applied to the bicycle was set at 25 watts every minute. The data registered during the test were minute ventilation, oxygen uptake (VO2), carbon dioxide excretion, respiratory exchange ratio, heart rate, and the calculation of oxygen metabolism (MET). The VO2max was extrapolated through linear regression equation between HR –VO2. The results showed that MET and heart rate decreased at the same workload resistance reveal the efficiency of energy production (p<0.05). However, VO2max before and after physical training program of two months does not change. The importance of the training program, type of training especially the endurance training will promote the increase of maximum oxygen consumption.

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อริยะปรีชา ศ. and กุญชร ณ อยุธยา ค., “Project of Maximum Oxygen Consumption Ability Test of Aviation Institute Students Rangsit University”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 1–12, Dec. 2018.
Research Articles


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