An application for measuring the airport obstructive barrier

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อติชาต อึ๋งโฆษาชนะวานิช
พงษ์ฤทธิ์ นิติวงศ์


The purpose of this research is to develop a computer program to calculate a safe distance of buildings from the obstacle limitation surface of the airport using Microsoft Excel. This program is capable of inspecting the buildings around the air base, both the Air Force base and Don Mueang International airport to meet the requirements of the obstacle clearance specified by the Royal Thai Air Force and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) regulations. To accommodate the interpretation of users, the program was developed to display both in 2 and 3 dimensional images. The program can help the Directorate of Civil Engineering of the Royal Thai Air Force to improve the inspection process for building permits around the air base. The directorate is responsible for the safety of the air base and surrounding area for aviation. The testing for accuracy of the program indicated that the error in the horizontal direction was 0.34 meters with the standard deviation of 0.06 meters and the vertical direction was 0.00205 meters with the standard deviation of 0.00409 meters. The discrepancies are in acceptable ranges.

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How to Cite
อึ๋งโฆษาชนะวานิช อ. and นิติวงศ์ พ., “An application for measuring the airport obstructive barrier ”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 59–66, Dec. 2019.
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