The Study of Depression Classification Using Data Mining Techniques

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Uraiwan Inyaem


In recent times, depression has been talked about a lot. Depression can result in patients with physical, mental, and mental symptoms. These symptoms can affect daily life, such as eating less food, loss of appetite, insomnia, hopelessness, depression, feeling that himself is not happy with life. Always worried and most importantly, patients will not be able to deal with the problems that are faced properly. There are approximately 322 million people with depression worldwide, representing 4.4 percent of the world's population and Thailand. Depression is another problem. This research the development Web Application Screening for General Risk of Depression Using Techniques Data Mining for assess or want to test whether they are in the safety criteria or not and can be timely by the researchers collecting data from books and websites 100 list, And the results are divided into 4 formats normal, minimal, middle, severe. And have chosen data mining techniques to create models in the research project which are Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Neural Network to find the best model that can be used to develop Web Application Screening for General Risk of Depression Using Techniques Data Mining that is accurate and most performance.

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How to Cite
U. Inyaem, “The Study of Depression Classification Using Data Mining Techniques”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 92–100, Sep. 2020.
Research Articles


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