Study and Comparison of Thermal Efficiency of Briquettes Fuel from Biomass Materials
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Nowadays, the world has a lot of waste, both recyclable and non-recyclable materials. The type of waste that can be reused most commonly found in community sources is biomass material. Biomass materials could be used to make fuel pellets. The objective of this research was studying the heating rate of 4 types of biomass materials: tea residue, corncob, pine leaves, and bagasse paper. By using two types of binder which were paraffin and tapioca starch. Our biomass was formed into 3 shape of briquette including triangle, square, and circle. The heating efficiency of each type of the biomass briquette was compared to charcoal as the base reformed. The results showed that the briquette from square bagasse paper with paraffin as a binder at a ratio of 1:1 yielded a colorific value of 6,942.67 calories per gram. The heating efficiency of the bagasse paper briquet is 97.1% when comparing with charcoal.
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