Designing a riverbank soil erosion prevention system with natural fiber bag mixed with latex and vetiver grass in the area of Nong Bua Subdistrict, Ban Khai District, Rayong Province
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At Nong Bua Subdistrict, Ban Khai District, Rayong Province facing problems with erosion of riverbank soil due to the internal factors that are the soil layer is loamy caused by river sediment or coarse parent soil. The soil texture is a type of fine loam with sandy loam on the topsoil and sandy clay loam on the subsoil. The soil reaction is high acidic, the drainage is good to good moderate and low abundance. For the external factors are the impact of the rain, water pressure on the riverbank, including flooding and drought situations. As a result, high slope areas are faced on a high risk of erosion on the topsoil which causing troubles for the people who live in Nong Bua Subdistrict, Ban Khai District. Therefore, soil erosion prevention is important for soil conservation and soil along the riverbank to have the least erosion and take the slowest time for topsoil erosion. Nowadays, there are many solutions to solve these problems by concrete lining, placed riprap in front of the riverbank or build a dam to prevent the riverbank from collapsing which these solutions are not environmentally friendly thus causing widespread environmental impacts. For these reasons, this article will focus on the design of riverbank soil erosion systems by using natural principles to conserve nature along with applying the principle of acid soil correction, erosion control blankets, and the vetiver grass planting project of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej Maha Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great as a model of technology by using local materials which are 100 % natural materials that consist of hemp bags, latex and vetiver grass (Surat Thani species and Prachuap Khiri khan species) as the main material. Hemp bags and latex will be used as a composite structure to anchor the topsoil. For planting vetiver grass in the bag spaces will use the principle of short pile driving which applied from foundation engineering in order to anchor roots to each soil layer to continue protecting the soil in the long term (After the system is stable, vetiver grass can grow on its own with natural processes) after the bags and natural latex decomposes over time.
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