A study of science, technology and innovation enhancement for defense industry

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Thaninrat Sittiwatethanasiri
La-Ongdao Wannarit
Yossapol Pongkaew


This research aimed to study the technology capability and skill of the Thai defense Industry. The study's objectives included the needs of entrepreneurs in developing manpower in terms of knowledge and essential skills by presenting in the form of a roadmap to increase the scientific capacity, technology, and innovation of the national defense industry. The results from in-depth interviews with the executives found the highest capacity of the technology capability of Thailand's defense industry was the building of ships industry, which government agencies work with the private sector from abroad. Besides, the technology capability needed to be promoted consists of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), based on the same military standards as the aviation industry. In addition, development needs showed that it is necessary to urgently develop people's knowledge and skills from educational institutions through the Offset Policy. The development must focus on specific skills at the bachelor's degree or lower so that people can work in the groups of weapons ammunition and explosives industry, automotive industry, marine industry, aerospace industry, information and communication technology, training aid, and disaster prevention and mitigation equipment. Furthermore, the experts focused on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and obstacles to developing science, technology, and innovation by employing a hierarchical analysis process (AHP: Analytic Hierarchy Process) to formulate a strategy based on the TOWS Matrix generation. This strategy will be used to formulate policies and plans to develop the defense industry in the future.

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How to Cite
T. Sittiwatethanasiri, L.-O. . Wannarit, and Y. Pongkaew, “A study of science, technology and innovation enhancement for defense industry”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 54–68, Dec. 2021.
Research Articles


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