A study of absorption capacity of zinc ions onto coffee residue activated carbon
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This research was focused on the adsorption capacity of zinc ion (Zn2+) from activated carbon derived from coffee residue via chemical activation and carbonization processes. The derived activated carbon was characterized in physical terms of porosity, iodine adsorption capacity (followed by ASTM D4607 - 94(2011)), specific surface area, total pore volume and average pore diameters (followed by ASTM D6556 - 10). The optimum conditions were synthesized of activated carbon from coffee residue as follow: using H3PO4 as the activator, the activation temperature of 450 OC and activation time of 3 hrs. The characteristics of the derived activated carbon produced under optimum conditions were an iodine number of 587 mg/g, specific surface area of 1,201 m2/g, total pore volume of 0.799 cm3/g and average pore diameters of 2.71 nm. In addition, this research was studied the optimum condition for the adsorption of zinc ions by the derived activated carbon. The optimum conditions were composed of the concentration of lead (II) ions at 80.619 ppm and stirring time at 3 hrs.
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