The Development of Electronic Circuit Kit for Electrical Circuit Course in Electrical Engineering Department Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy

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Chana Jan im
Pongkrit Roongsook


The purposes of this study include: 1. to develop the experimental kit for Electrical Circuit Course (EE2101) 2. to measure the learning efficiency of students who use this experimental kit as a learning tool. The sampling group of students would comprise the CRMA cadets, majoring in Electrical Engineering and enrolled in EE2101 for the second semester of 2022.. The course instructor had separated this sample of 30 cadets into two equal groups before testing their basic knowledge. One was the experimental group while the other was controlled.. The teaching approach that adopted the circuit kit resulted in 80.20 percent of efficiency in comparison to the conventional approach which offered only 69.67 percent. Since the minimum desired efficiency is at 80 percent, the study indicates that adopting the electronic kit in this course would bring the learning efficiency above the standard.

Key word: the development of electronic circuit kit

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How to Cite
C. Jan im and P. Roongsook, “The Development of Electronic Circuit Kit for Electrical Circuit Course in Electrical Engineering Department Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 91–103, Jun. 2023.
Research Articles


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