The Design and create of a voltage divider with a vacuum-insulated capacitor type for 200 kilovolts maximum peak measuring.

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Trirath Pati


             This research presents the design and create of a voltage divider with a vacuum-insulated capacitor type for measuring a voltage of 200 kilovolts peak. The voltage reduction ratio is 1000:1, achieved by using sub-capacitors made of polypropylene film capable of withstanding high voltage and temperature. The high-voltage section uses sub-capacitors of 47 nano farads, connected in series to achieve a total capacitance of 97.91 pico farads, encapsulated within a thick-walled PVC cylindrical housing and insulated with vacuum. The low-voltage section uses the same type of sub-capacitors connected in parallel, resulting in a total capacitance of 97.92 nanofarads. The design and testing conform to the IEC 60060-2 (2010) standard.Experimental results showed that the simulated operation using Matlab/Simulink software, with an input voltage of 200 kilovolts and output voltage of 200 volts, consistent with the designed 1000:1 voltage reduction. This setup was used for actual testing of high-voltage AC measurements in a high-voltage electrical laboratory. Comparative measurements at a voltage level of 100 kVrms, the measured values exhibit a deviation from the standard of 0.000594, and the measured voltage values from the measurement system differ from the reference system by no more than ±1%. Therefore, the designed and constructed voltage divider meets the specified standards.


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How to Cite
T. Pati, “The Design and create of a voltage divider with a vacuum-insulated capacitor type for 200 kilovolts maximum peak measuring. ”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 56–71, Oct. 2024.
Research Articles


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