The Most Efficient Route Analysis Using 3D Maps for Assistance to Aircraft Accident Victims
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The purposes of this study were to 1) create and design programs by using 3D maps from unmanned aerial vehicles for the most efficient route analysis and 2) support the program for assistance to aircraft accident victims of the Royal Thai Air Force Special Operations Regiment. The researcher analyzed the route from 3D maps which collected data on Khaomakok hill in the area of Navaminda Kasatriyadhiraj Royal Air Force Academy, Muak Lek District, Saraburi Province. The researcher applied the Greedy Algorithm that to analyzed and avoid slope route greater than 60 degrees. The results of the study revealed that: The program was able to analyze and find the most effective route for assistance to aircraft accident victims, the program can display avoidance of routes with a slope of more than 60 degrees which to solve problems the limitations of search and rescue units aircraft accident, reduces team planning time and reduce the delay in saving lives.
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