Determination of Order Quantity by Application of EOQ and Silver Meal Theory Case Study of Wholesale Company in Nakhon Pathom Province.

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Chanicha Moryadee
Pornkiat Phakdeewongthep
Sudaporn Sukapirom
Nichaphat Samutphong
Thitiya Sudlapa


This research is a study of order quantity determination by applying EOQ and Silver Meal theory case study of wholesale company in Nakhon Pathom province. The objectives of this research were 1) to determine the order quantity using EOQ and Silver Meal theory and 2) to reduction of inventory costs using EOQ and Silver Meal theory. This research population includes the total number of employees of the company 19 people. The sample consisted of 7 people using the method of selecting a purposive sample. All data used in this research are secondary data. From August 2023 – September 2023. The research steps are 1) finding a list of problem products 2) finding the cost of ordering per time 3) finding the coefficient of variation 4) finding the order quantity using EOQ theory and Silver Meal 5. ) Comparison of inventory costs before and after using EOQ and Silver Meal theory. The results of the research showed that:

  1. 1. The result of the study of order quantity using EOQ and Silver Meal theory found that there were 21 products that were suitable for using the EOQ theory and 4 products that were suitable for using the Silver Meal theory. When all products were taken to find the quantity, the total order quantity was 13,646 units, which was higher than the theoretical order quantity of 3,362 units.

  2. 2. The result of reducing inventory costs using EOQ and Silver Meal theory. From calculating inventory costs before using EOQ and Silver Meal theories equal to 583,555.13 baht and inventory costs and after using EOQ and Silver Meal theories equal to 126,167.06 baht. Therefore, inventory costs decreased by 457,388.06 baht, accounting for 78.38 percent.

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How to Cite
C. . Moryadee, P. . Phakdeewongthep, S. . Sukapirom, N. . Samutphong, and T. . Sudlapa, “Determination of Order Quantity by Application of EOQ and Silver Meal Theory Case Study of Wholesale Company in Nakhon Pathom Province”., NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 22–34, Jun. 2024.
Research Articles


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