Chromosomal description and molecular cytogenetic markers of Nepalese whiskered myotis, Myotis muricola (Chiroptera: Ves- pertilionidae) from Thailand
Bat, Cytogenetics, FISH, Karyotype, MicrosatelliteAbstract
The objectives of this study were to investigate size, shape, diploid number (2n), fundamental number (NF), NORs position and pattern of microsatellites and to establish the karyotype and standard ideogram of Nepalese whiskered myotis, Myotis muricola (Gray, 1846) from Maha Sarakham province, Northeastern Thailand. Mitotic chromosomes were directly prepared from bone marrow of specimens after in vivo colchicine treatment. Chromosomes were stained by conventional Giemsa and Ag-NOR staining as well as Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques. The obtained results showed that the diploid chromosome number of M. muricola was 2n = 44 and the fundamental number (NF) was 53 in male and 54 in female. The types of autosomes were 6 large metacentric, 2 small submetacentric and 34 small telocentric chromosomes. The sex determination was XY system which X chromosome was a large metacentric chromosome and Y was a small telocentric chromosome. NOR positions were located on the centromere of the long arm of chromosomes 8th and 16th. The hybridization signal of d(CGG)10 was distributed across all chromosomes as well as the whole genome. In contrast, d(GC)15 repeat was specifically presented on chromosomes 1st, 4th and 10th. The karyotype formula of M. muricola is as follows: 2n (44) = Lm 6 + Ssm 2 + St 34 + sex chromosomes.
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