Effect of grape seed extract as potent antioxidant on swelling properties and antioxidant activity of biocompatible carrageenan-based hydrogels

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Waralee Watcharin
Yatinun Na Songkhla
Pornpen Panjapiyakul
David Oum


Grape seed extract has attracted a lot of interest as an effective natural antioxidant. It is extensively studied as it is rich in flavonoids, phenolic compounds, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins showing particular promise in anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-oxidative properties. We aim to highlight the effect of grape seed extract on the physicochemical properties and biological functions as antioxidant of an edible and biocompatible carrageenan-based hydrogels. The carrageenan-based hydrogels containing grape seed extract were prepared at various concentrations of grape seed extract (0-2% w/v) and two concentrations of glycerol (6% and 12% v/v). The k-carrageenan polysaccharide can be extracted from red edible seaweeds which has an ability to form gel with potential utilization in wound-healing products. The physical properties of carrageenan-based hydrogels were analyzed i.e. color, moisture content, swelling properties. In addition, the antioxidant properties of carrageenan-based hydrogels were studied as total phenolic content and % scavenging activity. Among 6 formulae, the results reported their percentages of opacity, moisture contents and swelling properties were 99-100%, 9-12%, and 14-29%, respectively. For antioxidant activities, the highest total phenolic content at 21.8 mg gallic acid equivalents per mL and scavenging activity (%) at 87.8% with 2% grape seed extract. The findings suggest that grape seed extract holds promise as an active ingredient in carrageenan hydrogel formulation, offering potential benefits for pharmaceutical purposes.

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